1. Enterprise Help Guide
  2. Space Owners Guide
  3. Authority/Restriction


About Space Owner’s Privilege

In addition to the privileges of Administrator, Space Owner can do the following:

  • Edit Access Restrictions (for paid plan users above Plus Plan)
  • Change Plan
  • Change Space Owner
  • Close the Space
Screenshot: the screen of Space settings

Edit Access Control

Accessing the Space can be limited from the specified IP addresses (for paid plan users above Premium Plan).Please use this option to restrict access from other IP addresses due to your company's security policies.Click "Access Control" on Space Settings.Enter the "Allowed IP Addresses" to allow accesses from.

"Your IP address" is the current address of that your PC is accessing from.

Please include your IP address in the list of allowed IP addresses or you will not be access from your terminal.

If no allowed IP address is set, accesses will not be controlled.

Screenshot: the screen of Access control