Category: Development

  • Gradient descent for linear regression using Golang

    Nulab-Gradient descent for linear regression using Golang-Blog

    I recently decided to dive into machine learning, a field I have wanted to understand for a long time but have never had the time to pursue. I’ve been taking the free (and amazing!) course from Stanford University’s Andrew Ng on Coursera. The first two weeks are dedicated to the Linear Gradient algorithm. In this […]

  • Experts share top tips on being a software developer in the modern workforce

    Backlog-Succeeding as software developer in modern workforce-Blog

    Nowadays, joining the tech industry is like watching Stranger Things: everyone is doing it. People from all kinds of backgrounds and generations are looking to venture into tech in hopes of job security, excitement, and competitive pay. One of the most popular roles many are looking to pursue is the software developer. While plenty of […]

  • Creating a kanban-style task management app with Vue.js

    As a developer for Backlog, my work usually revolves around Scala and Java, but I like pretty much all dynamically typed languages, like Ruby and JavaScript. Lately, I’m interested in front-end development and have been experimenting with Vue.js in my spare time. Vue bills itself as a progressive framework. I really like it because you […]

  • Git commit messages for the bold and the daring

    Git commit messages for the bold and the daring_Backlog blog

    Good commit messages are like healthy eating habits: most people know they’re good for them, but few actually manage to follow through on a daily basis. Good commit messages take practice and discipline to get used to, but once you’re in the habit of writing them, you will learn to appreciate the many benefits that […]

  • Fish: the command line shell that’s got me hooked

    Fish Shell-680x450

    Like many developers, I use a combination of Windows and Mac systems between my home and office. When using a console, I tend to stick to the default settings. But I reached a breaking point while navigating through directories using Mac’s stock Bash terminal. I starting looking into Zsh but still wasn’t sold. Then I […]

  • Migrating from MySQL 5.1 to Amazon Aurora in 100 days

    The 100 Day journey of migrating from MySQL 5.1 to Aurora

    A large portion of Backlog’s database system was switched over to Amazon Aurora. We would like to offer you a simple introduction to these details and share a bit about the process. The reason for migrating At the end of last year, we experienced a major database outage which caused a huge inconvenience to many of […]

  • Protocol oriented programming in Swift

    Protocol oriented programming in Swift

    This WWDC talk is where it all started. I watched the video a couple of times and found it a little too provoking. The presentation shows a strong objection against Object-oriented programming (OOP). I have special interest in this topic because the app that I’m now working on is getting bigger and more complex. It is becoming more […]

  • 5 tips for flexible and scalable CI with Docker

    5 tips for flexible and scalable CI with Docker

    As Docker mentions in their use case, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is an excellent way to utilize the tool outside the production system. At Nulab, we have been using Docker this way since we began offering pull requests for Backlog. And now we want to share five tips we learned in the process. Nulab’s […]